Primary Blog/Regenerative Agriculture/Can Regenerative Agriculture Feed the World?

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Can Regenerative Agriculture Feed the World?

By improving soil health, regenerative agriculture can help to increase the productivity and resilience of agricultural systems, which can contribute to increased food production.

Unless you’re a supervillain, intent on world domination and destruction, you’re interested in improving the condition of the planet and the people who inhabit it. As a farmer or rancher you’re probably even MORE concerned about this topic than those who schedule sit-ins, protests, and marches to the hallowed halls of government. Your livelihood has been dependent upon the successful regeneration of your land for as long as your name has been on the deed. You’ve been watching the cost of fertilizer tick up and up as the war in Ukraine has impacted production costs and the availability of resources. You’ve been looking at markets collapse and if you’re the responsible steward of your land that I believe you to be, you’ve been looking at ways to reduce your input costs. You might have even spent time looking into regenerative agriculture and wondered: can regenerative agriculture feed the world?

Potential of Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture has the potential to contribute to feeding the world, but it requires significant changes to current, conventional agricultural practices and broader social and economic shifts. Shifting from a dependence on synthetic fertilizers would have a huge impact on rural economies, but as with any shift in culture -including agriculture- changes bring new opportunities for growth and profitability.

Benefits of Shifting to Regenerative Agriculture

One of the key benefits of regenerative agriculture is its focus on soil health. By improving soil health, regenerative agriculture can help to increase the productivity and resilience of agricultural systems, which can contribute to increased food production. Furthermore, by promoting biodiversity and reducing the use of synthetic inputs, regenerative agriculture can help to create more sustainable and resilient food systems that are less dependent on fossil fuels.

Regenerative agriculture is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but it is a legitimate option for farmers looking for increased profitability in an increasingly uncertain world. On the individual family farm scale, the specific practices and techniques used in regenerative agriculture will vary depending on the local environment, climate, and social context. Region and countrywide, transitioning to regenerative agriculture is still an open field with opportunities for research, education, and infrastructure, as well as advocates who inspire changes in policy and market incentives to support sustainable farming practices.

In short, regenerative agriculture has the potential to play a significant role in feeding the world, but it will require a concerted effort from farmers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to make it a reality.

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